Erasmo Cachay Mateos

"Cada día, cada momento, cada respiro que damos nos hace recordar que la vida con sus días buenos y días malos nos presenta al final una imagen que nosotros debemos interpretar y saber elegir. Quiero representar aquel lado quizás oscuro del ser humano, aquel lado que queremos olvidar pero tambien representar que despues de todo siempre habra un después." (Erasmo Cachay).


Erasmo Cachay Mateos, nació en Lima (Perú) un 25 de Julio de 1977. Curso estudios escolares en Lima y universitarios en Alemania (Stuttgart). Inició su carrera profesional en el 2003 dedicando a la gestión de proyectos internacionales en el area de manufactura.

Su carrera literaria la inicia en el 2014 con el lanzamiento en Salamanca y Madrid de "La casa Dreyfuss". Desde entonces ha combinado su vida entre la vida "normal" como el la define y la hermosa segunda vida del escritor. Desde entonces ha publicado la novela "Después del nuevo amanecer" (Salamanca, 2017) y el libro de relatos cortos "Trazos urbanos" (Salamanca, 2019).

Erasmo Cachay ha incursionado en otros medios como es el guión cinematografico  (Stefans Erbe) y la dirección de cortometrajes ("Die Notiz").

Actualmente esta por salir su última novela. Erasmo Cachay reside actualmente en Stuttgart, Alemania.


The man behind the books

"Every day, every moment, every breath we give reminds us that life with its good days and bad days presents us at the end of everything an image that we must interpret and know how to choose.  I want through my novels represent that dark side of the human being, that side we want to forget but also represent that after all there will always be a later."

(Erasmo Cachay)


Erasmo Cachay Mateos was born in Lima (Peru) on July 25, 1977. He studied school in Lima and university in Germany (Stuttgart).

He began his professional career in 2003, dedicating himself to managing international projects in the manufacturing area.

His literary career began in 2014 with the launch in Salamanca and Madrid of "La casa Dreyfuss". Since then he has combined his life between the "normal" life as he defines it and the beautiful second life of the writer. Since then he has published the novel "Después del nuevo amanecer" (Salamanca, 2017) and the book of short stories "Trazos urbanos" (Salamanca, 2019).

Erasmo Cachay has ventured into other media such as film scripting (Stefans Erbe) and directing short films ("Die Notiz"). His latest novel is currently about to be released.

Erasmo Cachay currently resides in Stuttgart, Germany.

Historias que merecen contarse

Toda mi vida he pensado, que la vida merece ser vivida. Mucho se ha dicho, mucho se ha escrito y sin embargo seguimos enfrentando los problemas que siempre nos han preocupado, seguimos discutiendo sobre un futuro que no podemos controlar y esperando cumplir nuestro deseos. Y a pesar de todo aun hay mucho por contar.

Quiero a travez de mis historias, dar una voz a aquellos temas que me apasionaron desde chico. Temas reales, familiares, politicos y tambien las fantasias que nos hacen suspirar y anhelar un futuro mejor. Mi deseo es que ustedes cuando lean mis historias se vean identificados, los anime a pensar y ofrecer sobre el papel lo que quizas siempre quisieron leer.

La literatura no ha pasado de moda, la literatura vive... en mi y en ustedes.

Stories that deserve to be told

All my life I have thought, that life deserves to be lived. Much has been written and yet we continue to face the problems that have always worried us, we are still discussing a future that we cannot control and waiting to fulfill our wishes. And despite everything there is still much to tell.

I want to go through my stories, give a voice to those issues that I've been passionate since childhood. Real themes, familiar, political and also the fantasies that make us sigh and long for a better future.

My wish is that when you read my stories you will be identified, encourage them to think and offer on paper what you may have always wanted to read

Literature has not gone out of fashion, literature lives ... in me and in you